Cooley House Foundation 2022 Fall Lecture - Key note by Glenda Korporaal
Join us for the Cooley House Foundation 2022 Fall Lecture by
Glenda Korporaal - Journalist & Author
Marion Mahony Griffin was the second female graduate in architecture at MIT and the first female licensed architect in Illinois. Together with her husband Walter (both one-time employees of Frank Lloyd Wright), they produced masterful design projects in the US, Australia and India. Included is the G.B. Cooley House in Monroe, Louisiana, their last residential design constructed in the United States.
Join Glenda Korporaal, leading journalist with The Australian and the acclaimed writer of the well-researched and accepted biography of Marion: Making Magic, the Marion Mahony Griffin Story as she provides insight into the enigmatic woman that was Marion Mahony Griffin. This virtual lecture is FREE and open to the public.

Date and Time
Thursday Nov 3, 2022
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM CDT
November 3: 7-8pm
You are invited to a Zoom webinar.
When: Nov 3, 2022 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Making Magic: The Marion Mahony Griffin Story
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