Free Tea Day at McAlisters Deli
Join us as we celebrate Free Tea Day at McAlister's!
Who can get a Free Tea?
Anyone can get a free tea, no purchase is necessary.
What's included?
Free tea includes any 32 oz product with tea plus one flavor shot at no charge! Gallons are not included.
Valid on 7/18/24 at participating locations only. Offer applies to Big Tea only, including: Sweet Tea, Unsweet Tea, Sweet Tea/Unsweet Tea, Tea/Lemonade, Flavored Teas, and one Flavor Shot per Tea. Limit (1) Tea per person in-store and (4) Teas per McAlister’s online or in app order. Excludes all non-tea beverages,
frozen drinks and Kid’s Drinks. No substitutions. Offer automatically applied at checkout. McAlister’s Delivery orders subject to Delivery and Convenience fees. Service fee applies to online, in app, and certain call-in orders, other fees and taxes may apply for all orders; see checkout for details. Not valid with any other offer or reward, or third-party delivery. Void where prohibited.

Date and Time
Thursday Jul 18, 2024
All Day July 18th!
McAlister's Deli Locations